Wednesday, June 2

PRESENTING with danny dyer (PURE- TQ)


To be able to use my skills to become confident on camera. To be clear and direct. To have the ability to become open to things going wrong and ways of which to make it right especially on camera.


To be confident, take quirks and help from watching t.v presenters how do they hold themselves? etc...

Try things outside my comfort zone.

Learn and understand the process of how interviewing can happen in such a short space of time

Not to be afraid of the camera.

Hello followers :)

I had the chance to really be in front of the camera as myself, not as a particular character, this was probably the most nerve-wracking thing I have done as I can't 'HIDE' behind the external of a character.

Learning to meet the director/person in charge before the event was an extremely useful as you can normally get a feel for the project and how you will be treated. In the past I have had experiences within the industry that have made me more aware of different aspects such as Pay and wages, times that you are allocated to work, contracts signing things etc... I have become astute to different aspects which in this particular process I am so glad I had these past experiences.
I wanted to explore the things we would be doing during the evening at the club 'Pure'. I understood that it was the opening night so it was going to be packed. I did not have a good feeling about any of it as the director asked me to sign something and from prior performances I had seen what a real contract looked like and what different aspects it would cover. Not one that was given to me written up on mircosoft-word.


I had my doubts and they ran into the night, having to wait 2 hours or more doing nothing.
As I was at the venue, I said that I was at least going to try and get something out of it. Learning to stand outside the club to what was going to be on the website, it was to introduce where we were, why, and what we were all about.
Having done drama for most of my life I have developed good improvisation skills so this was easier than I thought, and it kept on coming, I interviewed the hyped customers giving questions about who they were why they were there etc... trying to incorporate some of my own questions, the director was hot on my heels asking me to do lots of different things one of which was "can you do it better?" it was off-puttitng at first but I showed that I could adhere to a 'command' or a direction. I learned from the past to stick up for myself and to say if I didn't like something.
Within this situation I did not feel comfortable and didn't feel able to express my feelings as I felt put down and worthless at times. Having a director that has problems and stress makes you stress and it is a lot to deal with especially when you want a good outcome! 
Dealing with comments such as "are you going run a brush through your hair before you go on camera", "I'm not a **n* which you'll learn after working with me" (within 5 minute of meeting)extremely blunt and rude has really put me off working with him in the future as it is unprofessional.

When the Interview came around, I felt extremely nervous as this would be on the web for everyone to see and I could get it for future purposes to show my capabilities. I met Danny in a little scruffy room out at the back, yet posters and a nice sofa you can't tell the difference when seen on camera. I learnt that it doesn't matter where you interview someone it is all about how the room looks behind you. This is something I will remember and use if on a small budget, it is a good idea.

As you can see nice sofa and a few nice posters will look good on camera
sat and spoke and before I knew it, it was over and they taped our actual conversation.
It was NOT a relaxed atmosphere. For it to go as well as it

I did in front of :
3 admin ladies (that were obviously jealous)- ((stabbed me with metaphoric knives))
The manager of Danny Dyer
The manager of the nightclub
Danny Dyer's assistant
Two cameramen and ABI!!
I was under extreme pressure, but looking back on it I have a sub-conscious response to pressure and work really well. whether this be in life or on film I will carry on this trait as it has helped me so far in life.



The biggest load of trollop I have ever done NEVER AGAIN!!


 20 Feet Short Film.

To produce an outcome of a short film by being confident and a positive actress on screen, and to be organized with filming. 

To take elements that i have learnt from previous experiences within short films and put them into practice.

To understand the role in which i would be playing before hand

Practice lines, expressions or things before to be prepared. (time keeping in mind)

Converse with the producer in time to understand the plot etc...

To have fun. 

Hi followers :) 

Today I was able to really have fun with filming. I drove over to where the shoot was to occur, sat down had a loverly cuppa :) nice to start the day with! 

We sat down around what is called a scene chart which shows every single thing that should happen or which should be happening in a scene. From previous experiences I have never seen one this detailed. This meant the schedule was very prepared and the director knew what he wanted which is extremely helpful as you have something to follow.

Above: The Scene Chart 

Talking to and meeting the producer before the filming began via email and interview, it made the whole experience of filming a lot more laid back and less scary. I didn't feel as if I had to prove myself, as he knew my capabilities. It was easier to settle in as I knew someone already prior to the shoot. I highly recommend meeting a person that you will be working closely with as you won't feel so much pressure, and slightly more relaxed about the process. 

After listening closely to what I needed to do and what was expected of me filming started.

Although I had simple things to start off with such as walking down the street it needed to be perfected as i needed to walk right past the camera as if i was going to walk into it. Needless to say it took a couple takes!

Compared to Pornography this time round  was a lot faster to film as the script was given WELL in advance and prior screenings and meetings for what was expected took place.

The one word/line i had was "Hey"! Whether you have a whole script or just one word, they should be looked at as being just as important as each other and should both be taken seriously!

It will all depend on how you express the word that you have to say. 
I have learnt by just having one word you need to sell it...

If you are in an audition and you only have one word...

How are you going to sell your word better than other auditionees?? All of these elements you should be thinking about when the camera is rolling! I thought about these in particular things when filming the word.

how will you sell your one word?

I now can express different aspects of making films from how making a short film works and how it is put together. If I am ever going to need to film anything it is valuable knowledge.

This is the outcome: (the trailer)
