Wednesday, June 2


 20 Feet Short Film.

To produce an outcome of a short film by being confident and a positive actress on screen, and to be organized with filming. 

To take elements that i have learnt from previous experiences within short films and put them into practice.

To understand the role in which i would be playing before hand

Practice lines, expressions or things before to be prepared. (time keeping in mind)

Converse with the producer in time to understand the plot etc...

To have fun. 

Hi followers :) 

Today I was able to really have fun with filming. I drove over to where the shoot was to occur, sat down had a loverly cuppa :) nice to start the day with! 

We sat down around what is called a scene chart which shows every single thing that should happen or which should be happening in a scene. From previous experiences I have never seen one this detailed. This meant the schedule was very prepared and the director knew what he wanted which is extremely helpful as you have something to follow.

Above: The Scene Chart 

Talking to and meeting the producer before the filming began via email and interview, it made the whole experience of filming a lot more laid back and less scary. I didn't feel as if I had to prove myself, as he knew my capabilities. It was easier to settle in as I knew someone already prior to the shoot. I highly recommend meeting a person that you will be working closely with as you won't feel so much pressure, and slightly more relaxed about the process. 

After listening closely to what I needed to do and what was expected of me filming started.

Although I had simple things to start off with such as walking down the street it needed to be perfected as i needed to walk right past the camera as if i was going to walk into it. Needless to say it took a couple takes!

Compared to Pornography this time round  was a lot faster to film as the script was given WELL in advance and prior screenings and meetings for what was expected took place.

The one word/line i had was "Hey"! Whether you have a whole script or just one word, they should be looked at as being just as important as each other and should both be taken seriously!

It will all depend on how you express the word that you have to say. 
I have learnt by just having one word you need to sell it...

If you are in an audition and you only have one word...

How are you going to sell your word better than other auditionees?? All of these elements you should be thinking about when the camera is rolling! I thought about these in particular things when filming the word.

how will you sell your one word?

I now can express different aspects of making films from how making a short film works and how it is put together. If I am ever going to need to film anything it is valuable knowledge.

This is the outcome: (the trailer)



Danielle Cassell said...

I love this idea for a film!!! really moving...looks like a good cast ;)

Jammy :) said...

Thank you dannii! I now have the finished footage. I will let you see it! Such a good experience.


James Hendy said...

This sounds great! :D celebratory margheritas will be needed!

Jammy :) said...

Def Hendy! :) haa thanks for taking the time to comment Gx

MummaJam said...


Jammy :) said...

Just what i was hoping for! :) thankyou for your kindness!

Jonathan Palfrey said...

Hi there Gemma, I hope this is the correct area you wanted me to comment on!

You were a delight to direct, a directors idea of a cast member is to be punctual responsible and a good listener.

You were early on set, enough time to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich to start off! It enabled me to not have to rush what i wanted from you, it gave you time to understand what was expected of you!

You were easy to get on with, and have a joke but at the same time you were focused and ready at the drop of a hat. You fitted in with the crew&cast nicely.

If i were ever to do another short film or any filming for that matter; i would not hesitate to contact you as your communication skills are 2nd to none.

You were reliable and responsive if you didnt understand you asked straight away not whilst filming. (VERY IMPORTANT!!)

Thankyou for all of your hard work! I will speak soon. Nice blog by the way!!

I like how yuo have set 20 feet out it looks really interesting and its nice to have some feedback from you via this method!

THanks and good luck

Jonathan Palfrey.

Jammy :) said...

Thanks jono! thats brill wow didn't realise I was so good!! Gx

Noddy said...

"The biggest load of trollop I have ever done NEVER AGAIN!"

Probably the best comment on the whole blog :) made me smile! although he is a plonker im sure like you said it was a great experience and you took alot from it!
oh yeah i like the fishies tank :)
