Monday, January 25

Short Film Productions- Rob N Keiron- Pornography: 'A Cockumentry'




: A Cockumentary

  This is definitely not what you may be thinking... Ever wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes of a pornography? Well, now is your chance to get a Directors point of view. 
I assure you!

To be able to come across clear and direct when playing different characters, to become open to things going wrong and take on roles and responsibilities throughout the process. 


To be confident with my lines, though I have a script.

Try things outside my comfort zone.

Learn and understand the process of what goes into the making a short film.

Not to be afraid of the camera.

Hello followers :) 

I am Sarah Carter.I am the script writer within Pornography: A Cockumentary. (PAC)

I have previously worked on Rosemary and Thyme.

    "After rehab I was obviously out of a job and the Horse Tranquilizers lost me the use of my right knee. I was in a bad financial place, so I did the honorable thing and sold my body for money. 
    Whilst working a street corner, a young man- which happened to be Mike Pounder pulled up to me. I did what i had to do. But just as I was about to hit him over the head with my pocket mini dictionary, he commented on my good work. 
    We got chatting and I told him about my script writing ability. I took him back to my flat and showed him my work. He loved it, and offered my a job- Everything was fab...
    So I finished what I had started in the car, not the beating- the trouser friendly kiss. I began writing for them both ever since." 
    I was asked to play the part of Sarah. C, I can tell you I had no idea what was going to be involved all I got was
    "got a character, she is doped up on Horse Tranquilizers and bathes in Jack Daniels you'll be good for it" 

    Rob told me exactly how to come across to the camera which was really helpful and previous drama experiences helped. 
    I have never taken part in a short film until now. I have to learnt that different parts do not have to be recorded at the same time or in order. I went from recording the first scene to the middle scene, this was difficult as in the two different scenes my character was in a different frame of mind, so jumping from one to the other was a hard task changing emotions etc... The jump didn't phase me as knowing everyone around helps with confidence but as it was a complete change it took a few takes to get it right. 
    A really important factor I have gained is that even though you may not finish filming in one day, you have to  look EXACTLY the same the next day clothes, makeup, and hair shoes. This i learnt is so when the film is edited together is seems in sequence and normal.  
I had a very closed attitude before I began filming, I thought having this as a school project was out of the question as there are some parts that are past the mark. Yet are really amusing, which will draw in an audience. It is also up to me to become my character to make it realistic throughout. 

I have a better understanding if I were to do something like this again, as we were on set for a long time,and doing something a little bit different. I would be more prepared for anything in the future. 

I have another chance to develop my knowledge further as I have another short film on the 8th 
I can take my skills that I have 
learnt from this recording to the next short film. To make the 
process easier, from that
I will be able to make new goals. See my knowledge develop further with this experience as my previous knowledge.

This has really helped me in opening myself to the camera the follow on blog link to this is here.It shows my developed found skills from this placement. 
click here to see music video 
or below...
It was an amazing process from start to end, I felt like I had become my character Sarah when we had finished, I felt an emotional connection with her and felt like I couldn't let her go.I felt that I could become her as I love to be quirky and different (NOT SO DIFFERENT -that I want to take horse tranquilizers or throw my television out of my window. Just to clarify) 

For te future I would like to become a character that is NOT in any way shape or form related to me, somthing more reserved, I fell if this is the case it would be more of a challenge.

Personal:I love short films. 



Louis John Brzozka said...

I loved it!

Jammy :) said...

THNKS :) so did i.

Justin Turner said...

LMAO brilliant. Also who ever decided upon the tracks is really good. Your performance was great, especially the fall during twister lol. On the interviews you showed great character. The character was brill. I also especially liked the shot where your limping up the stairs lol. overall you did better than what i could of achived within the same scenario. I see how it could of been akward.

On Part 2 the video seems to only have one half showing but that may be my computer. I watched it on youtube :)

Jammy :) said...

ahh brilliant i'm glad you watched and enjoyed it! If i didn't know the people that i was working with i would have felt a complete an utter IDIOT! but now that i have done it i can see that i would do something like this in the future. Plus its fun and the behind the scenes were mental and extremely funny. I only wished he did a outtake version. :D x