Monday, January 25

KEVICC- BAKA BEYOND [stewarding]


21st NOVEMBER 2009, 8.30PM.


To have a successful outcome to gain 

knowledge within this area that I can 
expand on for future purposes. 


· To be professional in every aspect and to

do what is expected of me within the

· Get involved in as many ways as within

the process as much as I possibly can. 

· Ask necessary questions widen my range

of understanding.

Hello followers :) 

I was given the opportunity to steward at a gig for the group 'Baka Beyond', in Totnes at the KEVICCS Ariel Center. This was my first experience in stewarding. As I am normally on the stage I have never experienced this area of the performance. I had looked on Google and "googled" the group Baka Beyond; once you see the opening pictures and feel the mood of the site you will know what I am on about. I knew it would be an interesting experience from the feedback from tutors. I have never seen Baka Beyond, so it was a whole a new experience in every aspect of stewarding.


The group Baka Beyond are a band made from "Musicians from 6 countries in the Celtic fringes of Europe and the West coast of Africa join together to play the most original live world fusion sound around. The spirit of the music lives in the rhythm. All Baka Beyond's rhythms are played by human beings not machines! You can find out m ore information on 

"Baka Beyond were originally inspired by Martin Cradick & Su Hart's visits to the Baka Forest People in Cameroon. While there they played music with and recorded the Baka resulting in two albums, Heart of the Forest - field recordings of the traditional Baka music - & Spirit of the Forest - a mix of music written with & inspired by the Baka." ( 


There were 7 stewards in total, some of them had seen the group before, others, like me, had not. The gig was held at the Ariel Center in the theatre, and we were positioned at certain points around the theatre, inside and outside. 

We alternated every 30mins or so, to give us a new job to do- either tearing tickets for the audience coming in, (I learned a ‘RIF’ (really important factor) that can be used for future events. 

Ripping ticket stubs is an easy was of finding how many people are in a specific room or venue, in case of a fire you will know how many to count, this will come in useful in the future, as this is a rapid way of checking of numbers). It seems so logical yet I had never thought about it before. I also learned how to speak to clients directing them to various places, or just keeping in control of what was going on. 

“To be professional in every aspect and to do what is expected of me within the space.” 

On a whole I felt that I accomplished this objective, as I felt in control. If someone came up to me to ask a query about the gig or any information that they required, I would be sure to know the answer because I listened and took notes prior in the briefing. 

 “Get involved in as many ways as within the process as much as I possibly can.” 

I was able to meet people, meet the cast which ill help with future networking, as I may need to have their help in my life. 

IT IS ALWAYS GOOD TO KNOW PEOPLE… its not how many people you know, it is… Who you know! I managed to even have a dance when the shifts where swapped as they needed stewards within the main hall, this is where Baka Beyond were playing.

 Seeing a performance for free yet getting knowledge out of it is killing two birds with one stone. It has definatly been an eye opener, as I didn’t know prior to stewarding that you can see the performance for free. This could save a lot of money if I wanted to see something in particular. 

Also this could uncover amazing job opportunities for the future. If you make an impression you could become part of the team

“Ask necessary questions widen my range of understanding.” 

On the evening of the performance, I made sure I asked questions to the lecturer in control of the stewards the necessary questions to make the most of the night. This meant I would not have to come away from my designated spot to ask questions, if I did this might have meant I would miss audience members looking for help, or letting in people that did not have valid tickets. 

This was one of our main responsibilities to make sure everyone who was let in did have the right night printed on their ticket also that they did actually have a ticket. It was fun until… the performance started and stewards changed spots. (This was so we were not in the same spot all night- this meant we could all learn and participate in different areas e.g. Ticket office, Money, Programs, hall steward etc.) 

Moving areas meant at some point during the performance you would be stewarding the halls and outside the doors. You could hear the music but could not see any action. This was so boring, yet you had the next move to look forward to and stewarding inside the main hall. 

Personal: I must say it was a very enjoyable night and have followed the Baka Beyond group and have seen them twice more Outside of stewarding!! If I did not opt myself to steward in the first place I would never have got to meet such amazing people that I now have enjoyed much more being an audience member. 

If I was to do stewarding again I know the basics but would like to expand on the knowledge that I have gained. 

to see my knowledge develop further click here this will take you to another are of my blog- Stewarding at the Chanter gig.



MummaJam said...


Jammy :) said...

Thankyou! THats one of the main reasons why i did it! to be able to direct people to go back to somthing differetn that then takes them to somwhere else! & so on and on! Gx